The project

Under a public research and development contract for HandiCare and the Norwegian National Insurance Administration, Adigo developed an electric wheelchair which was easy to adapt and service for Assistive Technology Centres and was designed for the users’ everyday needs indoors and outdoors. We developed the concept, ergonomics, mechanics, electronics and recived the norwegian design council product design award.




Our contribution

Industrial design, strength analysis, motor controller programming, electronics design, prototyping and testing


På OFU kontrakt for HandiCare og Rikstrygdeverket utviklet Adigo en elektrisk rullestol som var enkel å tilpasse og drifte for hjelpemiddelsentralene, og samtidig godt tilpasset brukernes hverdag inne og ute. Vi utviklet konsept, ergonomi, mekanikk, elektronikk og fikk merket for god design for vårt arbeid.



Vårt bidrag

Industridesign, styrkeberegning, motorstyring og programmering, elektronikkdesign, prototyping og testing